Mini Fruit Scones

OK, they’re no different than normal scones really but I have unhealthy obsession with everything ‘mini’. A bit like a 7 year old girl i know, but I don’t care. I’ve just made a batch of these and half have been eaten already. My preference is raspberry jam and butter over the traditional cream and strawberry but it really doesn’t matter. You could have a plate full with various topping if you wish. Makes 20ish mini scones or about 10 larger ones if you use a 2″ cutter.

If you’ve ever made scones that turned out like biscuits there are some ground rules for scones in general – ignore them at your peril!

The dough is to be handled as little as possible.  It is wet and supposed to be that way so resist the temptation to add extra flour and over knead.

Use large eggs. Always.

Forget the rolling pin and just press out the dough before cutting.


Anyway, I’m jumping ahead. Here’s the recipe I always use:

Preheat oven to gas mark 7 or 220c

1lb self raising flour

2 teaspoons of baking powder

2 large eggs

8fl oz of milk

2oz caster sugar

Dried fruit – about two handfuls but this can be adapted. Use as little or as much as you like.  If raisins aren’t your thing try cherries, currents or mixed peel.


Mix the dry ingredients then rub in the butter and add your dried fruit. In a jug, beat the milk and egg and then little by little, add this to the dry ingredients and gently bring it together to form a wet sticky dough.  Keep about 2 tbsp of milk/egg for glazing. Turn the dough out onto a LIGHTLY floured surface and just very gently press it out to about 1 inch think. Cut out using a 1″ cutter and place onto a greased baking tray or baking parchment. Brush on the remaining egg and milk mix. Bake in the middle of the oven for about 10 – 12 mins until well risen the tops are golden brown.