Quick Iced Mini Celebration Cake – Welcome Baby Holly!

Occasionally I have to make a cake in a hurry. A sponge cake with 24 hours notice is just about doable with no sleep, but to decorate a celebration fruit cake is another matter! I wanted to make a mini iced fruit cake for my sister to welcome her baby, so last time I made a fruit cake (about a month ago), I made a bit extra and used this to bake a small 4″ round cake. Just enough for her, her husband and hopefully me when I pop round for a cuppa and a cuddle with the new arrival! The cake was covered in marzipan and plain white sugarpaste and has sat in tin for the last 4 weeks waiting for baby to arrive.  They didn’t know if it was a boy or girl so I didn’t feel like I could decorate any further so I just waited for the inevitable call and plan the intricate design in my head………13 days late Baby arrives and I get a phone call at 1:30 am, it’s a girl! OK, so Sunday morning, I’m going to visit in a couple of hours so NEED to finish this cake! I do the kids breakfast, the washing, have a shower, then lunch and god knows what else and I end up with 10 mins, yes 10 mins to finish the decoration.

If you get caught out in a rush like this, keep it simple.  Whip up some royal icing, stick to one colour and use a plain nozzle. I decided to just use some simple iced pearls and an initial. And here it is, not what I had in my head at all but it did only take 10 mins. Don’t judge me!

For Baby Holly 1:11am 30.10.11 6lb 4oz